Group work is one of my favourite things to do. It allows for connection, community and transformational experiences that ripple out for the benefit of all.
Navigating the liminal space between the old paradigm and the new means that changes are inevitably taking place in your energy bodies, heart space and consciousness
The old paradigm of spirituality has encouraged many to fall into the “I Need to Fix Myself” trap, endlessly working on themselves, believing there is something wrong with them or that they are flawed in some way. When in fact this new energy asks that we stop fixing ourselves and start REMEMBERING who we truly are.
My 1:1 work lets me see first-hand what that looks like, which allows me to create workshops that are on point for the unique times we are all navigating.
I hold regular online group clearings which are scheduled in response to the energy of the collective at any one time.
Please note that these online group clearings and many of the one day in person events are open to the lovely men that are a vital part of this uplevelling too. The Heroine series are women only events as they are created specifically to address the structure of women’s unique energy fields, transgenerational and collective embodiments.
Free Report: Your Roadmap Back To You.
A pathway back to alignment with the energy of your soul.